This was the inaugural Hokitika Junk2Funk art and fashion event using at least 75% recycled materials. It was held at the Carnegie Gallery, Hokitika Museum from July. A large crowd attended the opening night where the fashion event was paraded.
Modelling my Unravelling News cloak
I modelled my entry Unravelled News which was a full length woven cloak made of 100% recycled materials. The dark purple warp was made from recycled wool – from an unravelled jersey. The weft was made from narrow strips of newsprint from “The Weekend Press” newspapers. The strips were chosen with as much colour as possible. It was woven on a Bartlett 4-shaft countermarche floor loom – the first time I had tried weaving with a “fibre” like this.
I received a “great effort” award for it.
Unravelling News cloak in the Jun2Funk exhibition
I also entered a pine needle pot which sold immediately and I could have sold several times over.
PIne needle pot
This event has definitely given me the confidence to continue creating.