After plucking up the courage to enter work into the two WAI exhibitions last year, I thought I would try an entry in the annual beach sculpture event in Hokitika – Driftwood and Sand.
I found a place on the beach, then four long pieces of driftwood to act as my weaving frame, two of which I dug firmly into the sand for the verticals and used harakeke (NZ flax) strips to tie the corners of the frame. I strung strips of harakeke between the horizontals and then started collecting driftwood , seaweed etc off the beach which I wove through the harakeke. From the beach I could see the mountains and was inspired to create a landscape, Alps to Sea, using layers of different coloured materials.
I loved weaving in the outdoors on the beach and talking with people who stopped to look.

Alps to Sea – looking towards the alps

Alps to Sea – looking out to sea